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2023 PERC Fellows

Lone Mountain Fellows

Elinor Benami

Virginia Tech University

Research Topic: Climate-smart agricultural practice adoption

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Linus Blomqvist

U.C. Santa Barbara

Research Topic: Designing conservation auctions

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Daniel Brent

Pennsylvania State University

Research Topic: Water pricing in California and economic implications of water investment transactions in the West

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Tony Cookson

University of Colorado, Boulder

Research Topic: Underinsurance, person-to-person giving, and wildfire recovery

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David Finnoff

University of Wyoming

Research Topic: Can management policies be complementary to natural system disease mediation in the management of wildlife disease in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

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Amy Hardberger

Texas Tech University

Research Topic: First in time and prior appropriation in water allocation

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Yukiko Hashida

University of Georgia

Research Topic: An econometric analysis of prescribed fire as a climate adaption tool

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Daniel Kaffine

University of Colorado, Boulder

Research Topic: How policymakers with a revenue-maximization mandate should consider competing use-based and non-use-based bids

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Renato Molina

University of Miami

Research Topic: Water market dynamics in the presence of environmental variability

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Edson Severini

Carnegie Mellon University

Research Topic: Industrial activity and land degradation

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Temple Stoellinger

Temple Stoellinger

University of Wyoming

Research Topic: Conservation leasing on state trust lands

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Michael ‘t Sas-Rolfes

University of Oxford

Research Topic: Wildlife trade and conservation

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Graduate Fellows

Justine Lang

U.C. Santa Barbara

Research Topic: Assessing the impacts of feed ground closure on brucellosis transmission risk in elk to cattle in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

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Anna Papp

Columbia University

Research Topic: Are plastic bag regulations effective at reducing marine debris? Evidence from over 100,000 coastal clean-ups

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Xiaochen Sun

Carnegie Mellon University

Research Topic: Renewable Generation Interconnection: A common pool challenge

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Sam Tucker

Michigan State University

Research Topic: No Net Loss, But There’s a Catch: An economic analysis of wetlands and mitigation

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