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Solutions for the Klamath Basin

Conference Organized by PERC Klamath Falls, Oregon June 8, 2004 Summary The Klamath Basin conflict between endangered fish and farmers stems from a failure to establish who actually owns the water. The establishment and clarification of ownership rights may help resolve matters. The Property and Environment Research Center hosted a June 8 conference in KlamathContinue reading “Solutions for the Klamath Basin”

2004 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, Ninth Edition

From the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute Full Text PDF PUBLIC LAND MANAGEMENT By Holly Lippke Fretwell Four federal land management agencies oversee an estate of 614 million acres, an area more than six times the size of California with an estimated value exceeding $150 billion. Despite this wealth of resources, thereContinue reading “2004 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, Ninth Edition”

Environmental Kuznets Curves: An Update

  Executive Summary Since 1991, when economists first reported a systematic relationship between income changes and environmental quality, the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) has become standard fare in technical conversations about environmental policy (Grossman and Krueger 1991). EKCs are statistical artifacts that summarize a few important aspects of collective human behavior in two-dimensional space. AContinue reading “Environmental Kuznets Curves: An Update”

Accounting for Species:

By Randy T. Simmons and Kimberly Frost Executive Summary About the Authors Introduction [[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_original”,”fid”:”7202″,”attributes”:{“alt”:””,”title”:””,”class”:”media-image”,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”style”:”width:180px;height:119px;float:left;margin:0 1em 1em 0;”,”wysiwyg”:1}}]] Without accurate figures for the costs of the Endangered Species Act, the ongoing public debate over whether the law is effective will be a misinformed one. This study, Accounting for Species, contributes to the debate by analyzing theContinue reading “Accounting for Species:”