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Volume 24, No.1, Spring 2006

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Hog Farm Justice

Pigs stink. That fact of life is accepted by all of us who grew up on farms. So imagine the smells around a concentration of nearly 6,000 sows and tens of thousands of baby pigs.

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Tenure For Timber

Last year, I began investigating forestry outside the United States, seeking innovations. I found strikingly different approaches just north of the border, in Canada.

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Are The Ethanol Wars Over?

Are subsidies for ethanol somewhat different from other subsidies???in other words, not all that bad? In this free-flowing dialogue, free market environmentalists debate the issue.

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Green Chips

Deep in the heart of Texas one of America’s leading technology firms is just putting the final touches on one of the nation’s greenest buildings. A new fabrication plant that produces the wafers used in semiconductors has been built for 30 percent less than an older plant constructed in the early 1990s. It also promisesContinue reading "Hog Farm Justice"

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The Upside Of Logging

A recent issue of Audubon magazine arrived with a somewhat unexpected message on the front: “Log Your Land.” Needless to say, the article contained a few qualifiers rather than simply suggesting landowners dash into the woods with their chainsaws. It focused on rural areas of New York state where land that had once been clearedContinue reading "Hog Farm Justice"

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Four Course Compost

Some of the finest restaurants in San Francisco are serving up delicious Northern California wines and vegetables that were produced with the help of scraps from their customers’ plates. From Scoma’s on Fisherman’s Wharf, reportedly San Francisco’s busiest restaurant, to the Slanted Door in the Ferry Building, an acclaimed Vietnamese eatery, at least 2,000 restaurantsContinue reading "Hog Farm Justice"

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