All Research:
Healthy Public and Private Lands
The 21st Century Wharf
A “right to reef out” could encourage private investments in coastal restoration.
The War on Wildlife Trade
Is the prohibitionist approach really helping?
National park entrance fees deserve a hike
A former backcountry ranger, PERC research fellow Shawn Regan weighs in on the national parks’ proposed entrance fee hikes. Fee revenues help parks address critical needs without relying on Congress for appropriations.
New Issue of PERC Reports
This special issue of PERC Reports is dedicated to PERC’s Lone Mountain Fellows. In our cover story, Michael ‘t Sas-Rolfes explores the war on wildlife trade and offers insights from his recent research at PERC.
Perverse Effects of the Endangered Species Act
How well does enforcement of the Endangered Species Act preserve wildlife habitat? On the John Batchelor show, Terry Anderson talks about how the ESA has affected spotted owls, bald eagles, silver grayling, and wolves.
Endangering the Endangered
While the Endangered Species Act has led to habitat destruction, private solutions give us reason to be hopeful. In South Africa’s Wildlife Ranching magazine, Terry Anderson explains how Texan ranchers brought the scimitar-horned oryx back from the brink of extinction.
When the Endangered Species Act Threatens Wildlife
In the Wall Street Journal, Terry Anderson examines how landowners have managed wildlife habitat under the ESA and suggests heavy-handed enforcement has discouraged private conservation efforts.
A Property Rights Approach | Capital Ideas — Live!
In this issue of Capital Ideas — Live!, Hayes Brown interviews Terry Anderson about free market environmentalism, how conservation benefits can flow from private land stewardship, and more.
Greater Canyonlands idea shouldn’t be an economic decision
As pressure mounts to declare Utah’s Greater Canyonlands a national monument, Utah-based Randy Simmons and Ryan Yonk look at the economic impact studies used to justify designation.